Cereal Seed Treatment
Single purpose treatments
Beret Gold (25g/l fludioxonil) wheat, oats, triticale and rye
• Wheat: seedling blight and foot rot, common bunt, septoria seedling blight, loose smut
• Barley: covered smut, leaf stripe, seedling blight and foot rot.
Raxil Star (20g/l fluopyram + 100g/l prothioconazole +60g/l tebuconazole) winter barley
• Seedling blight and foot rot, seed borne net blotch, leaf stripe, covered smut and particularly loose smut.
Redigo Pro (150g/l prothioconazole + 20g/l tebuconazole) wheat, barley and winter oats
• Barley: seedling blight and foot rot, loose smut, covered smut, leaf stripe.
Added value single purpose treatments
Vibrance Duo (25g/l sedexane + 25g/l fludioxonil) winter wheat, triticale, rye and spring oats
• Wheat: seed borne snow mould, septoria nodurum, seed bornefusarium, common bunt, loose smut
• Oats: loose smut
• Improves root health and crop establishment to create bigger, greener plants compared to an SPD.
Added value treatments
Latitude (125g/l silthiofam) wheat & winter barley
• Second and third wheat situations
• Winter barley following a cereal
• Earlier drilled crops
• First wheat after fallow or a spring cereal
• Latitude prevents the take-all fungus in the soil from infecting newly developing roots. This allows better establishment and rooting and reduces the level of take-all through to grain fill. By reducing root damage the product maintains root efficiency to absorb water and nutrients well into May/June.
PolySeia* 500R
• High quality unique formulation polymer coating that positively impacts on germination in dry conditions
• Helps reduce dust
• Provides even coverage of other treatments
• Coloured to allow visibility in field to check drilling accuracy.
Mn-Tain – (597gm/t Mn in nitrate form) high Mn concentration for use with all fungicidal seed treatments
• Provides a high dose of readily available manganese nitrate to the developing plant, improving emergence and early plant growth
• Strongly recommended for manganese deficient sites
• Reduces dependence on spray applications, to help with tricky weather conditions
• Fully compatible with all other seed treatments.
Prosper ST (N, P, K, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu,Bo, Mo) co applied with fungicide and pesticide seed treatments
• A phosphite and nutrient blend, providing a package of essential nutrition to the developing plant
• Phosphites stimulate and encourage enhanced root growth immediately after germination, providing larger and more efficient plant rooting
• Prosper ST can also result in increased shoot development, leading to thicker and more forward crops during establishment.