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Liquid fertiliser

Tanks and sprayer02Liquid fertilisers are a cost-effective and high-performing solution for many growers.

Their use can increase yield and produce healthier crops due to the guaranteed even spread during application and improved nutrient uptake.

Liquids also go hand-in-hand with variable rate technology, meaning you can make more targeted applications designed to meet the specific needs of your crop. As a result, nutrition programmes are optimised, contributing to improved economic use and a more sustainable farming system overall.  




                                          Watch the videos below to hear from our liquid fertiliser specialists 

Liquid fertiliser hero1

Benefits of liquid fertiliser

  • Extremely accurate at all bout widths.

  • Targeted nutrient delivery through variable rate applications.

  • Nitrogen and sulphur delivered throughout the programme – a ‘little and often’ approach for best results.

  • Applications can be made right to the edge of the crop.

  • Reduced exposure risk for operators.

  • Improved environmental protection; targeted applications significantly reduce the impact of product reaching water courses, hedgerows and vital natural habitat. Particularly important where Stewardship and Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) options are incorporated alongside the wider crop rotation.

  • Specialist use can benefit the establishment of important environmental mixtures and plant species to support farm biodiversity.

  • A great option for grassland.



New to liquid? Frontier's specialists have you covered.


 Tank installations

Tank installations
Our tank rental scheme removes the burden of planning a switch to liquid yourself. Our experts can support you with the position, siting and size of your tanks, safe and secure installation, advice around sprayer equipment and of course ongoing product choice.

If tanks or changes to machinery aren’t an option – don’t worry. Our contracting service means you can still opt for liquid without changing your farm’s infrastructure.  


 Combined approach

nutrition team
We understand an immediate switch to liquid won’t suit or work for everyone. The breadth of expertise in our nutrition team and wide product range mean we can provide solutions to support a combination of both liquid and solid applications.



 Help with product stewardship and efficiency

tank fill
The UK has a legal requirement to reduce ammonia pollution by 16% by 2030. 88% of the UK's current ammonia emissions are attributed to agriculture and although efforts are underway across the industry to improve efficiency and reduce losses for both economic and environmental reasons, products such as urea require specific stewardship.   

As of 1st April 2024, all applications of liquid UAN fertiliser must include a urease inhibitor.

Urea stewardship scheme
Everything you need to know


Urease inhibitors, such as BASF's Limus Perform, can be added to the spray tank as and when required. This will be needed for all applications after the above regulatory date, but it would also be the case during any warm or dry conditions before then in order to prevent volatilisation and improve crop performance.

Limus Perform is available exclusively at Frontier.    



Talk to us about liquid fertiliser

To learn more about how Frontier can support your liquid fertiliser requirements, please speak to your Frontier contact or get in touch.




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