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Fertilisers by type

We stock a wide range of fertiliser types suitable for a variety of growing needs. Explore the buttons below to find the product best suited to your farm nutrition requirements or contact us for advice from our crop nutrition team.



YaraBela SULFAN (26% N + 35% SO3) is a compound nitrogen and sulphur fertiliser, also known as ASN (Ammonium Sulphate Nitrate), which is ideal for use on crops with an increased sulphur demand for example oilseed rape.

YaraBela SULFAN contains nitrogen as nitrate and ammonium. Plants require nitrogen in the ammonium and nitrate forms, so by applying these forms the nutrients are immediately available for plant growth. Nitrates are the most efficient form of nitrogen and are key to achieving optimum yields.

YaraBela SULFAN contains sulphur as ammonium sulphate which is fully soluble and immediately available for plant uptake.

YaraBela SULFAN is a homogeneous, uniform-sized, high bulk density granular compound fertiliser for even spreading over wide bout widths. Being a compound fertiliser both nitrogen and sulphur are contained in every granule which eliminates segregation and allows even application of all nutrients.

The benefits of using YaraBela SULFAN

  • Nutrients applied in a soluble form that is immediately available for plant uptake
  • Even spreading over wide bout width
  • Ideal for use on crops with increased sulphur demand.

Contact us for information

Total N 26%
of which nitrate 7%
of which ammoniacal 19%
Total P₂O₅ -
Total K₂O -
Total SO₃ 35%

*For heavy metal advice, contact your Frontier/SOYL agronomist.

Application Information

The following rates represent average requirements. However, for tailored advice that accounts for the unique conditions of your land and particular crop requirements, talk to your Frontier agronomist.


Crop Application advice
Winter barley
Winter wheat
Winter oats
Winter rye
Up to 125kg/ha as the first spring application. Actual rates should be based on previous SO3 use and cropping history together with soil and leaf analysis information.
Oilseed rape Up to 175kg/ha as the first spring application. Actual rates should be based on previous SO3 use and cropping history together with soil and leaf analysis information.
Grassland Exact recommendation depends on your soil analysis and nutrient management plan. Consult with your Frontier/SOYL agronomist for detailed advice.


*Exact recommendation depends on your soil analysis and nutrient management plan. Consult with your Frontier/SOYL agronomist for detailed advice. Find out more about our agronomy services by visiting Soil Life.

Quality Assurance

  • Yara is a founder member of the Fertiliser Industry Assurance Scheme (FIAS)
  • Yara is committed to the principles of the European Fertiliser Manufacturers Association (EFMA) principles of product stewardship
  • Yara is certified to the following safety and quality standards: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001.

Product Information and Safety



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