Frontier harvest wheat pool pays out *base* price of £174.09/t

In a year where volatility has driven the markets, causing unpredictable fluctuations in price, Frontier and its trading team have once again delivered great pools results for farmer members. Frontier's harvest wheat pool has recently paid out an impressive £174.09/t. Location premiums, where applicable, are added to this along with quality premiums for milling or biscuit grades.

We take a non-emotional and informed approach when marketing our pools, we accurately analyse the fundamentals of relevant global grain markets, and our success has been demonstrated particularly well over the last year with Frontier harvest pools have delivered excellent results across the board during a difficult season:

  • As already mentioned, our harvest 2012 wheat pool achieved a base price of £174.09/t
  • Our barley pool returned a base price of £154.77/t
  • Our OSR pool returned a base price of £356.12/t
  • Our oat pool returned a base price of £168.32/t
  • Our bean pool returned a base price of £222.65/t

NB: All prices are before location and quality premiums. For example, group 1 milling wheat premiums achieved up to £34.50/t, group 2 premiums up to £25/t, and Cordiale premiums up to £31/t, all over and above the base price.

Frontier's pools for the 2013/14 season are now open.  In a difficult climate for sound marketing, pools provide an excellent risk management tool for growers across all grain types.  Frontier continues to target top quartile performance, giving growers a return well in excess of average spot sales.

With the outlook for further volatility, Frontier remains well placed to differentiate our performance against other pools. If you need any further help or information please do not hesitate to contact your local farm trader.

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