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Midweek market report - 29th May 2019

Globally, wheat prices have continued to rise on the back of the US corn planting pace. Currently the single market driver, corn planting progress is now at a record low following adverse wet weather. Crops planted at this late stage lose yield potential, with some at risk of not being planted at all. Last night, the United States Department of Agr...

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  2743 Hits

Frontrunner - 24th May 2019

WHEAT An abundance of old crop Old crop wheat continues to be offered to the market chasing a finite demand. It now seems that most millers and compounders have only the July transition gap to cover. The air of tightness around the UK balance sheet felt by the market some weeks ago has largely disappeared and now the emphasis is to off load supplie...

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  2883 Hits

22nd May 2019 - Midweek market report

Tomorrow marks the last trading day for May London futures and, over the last few weeks, we've seen a large volume of futures tendered right the way from Edinburgh to Kent. As such, the added weight of physical grain has pushed prices around £10 lower since the start of the month. Consumers are well aware of this and are therefore in no rush to cov...

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  3536 Hits

Frontrunner - 17th May 2019

WHEAT What a difference 24 hours makes On Monday we returned to markets which were still digesting last week's bearish USDA report and under some significant pressure. Global prices were sat at contract lows and the hedge funds in America held huge short positions after bigger than expected global stocks were forecasted in the report. Spill-over pr...

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  3437 Hits

15th May 2019 - Midweek market report

The USDA's first stab at 2019/20 world wheat and corn balance sheets last Friday indicated a boost of supplies and extended the recent weak price trend. Early this week, French and London wheat futures hit new contract lows as markets reacted to the USDA forecasts for record world wheat and corn crops next season; put at 777 million tonnes and 1,17...

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  2661 Hits

Frontrunner - Latest USDA fuels bearish trend

WHEAT The USDA published their latest monthly world supply and demand report late on Friday afternoon as well as their first estimates for next season. The report did nothing to arrest the current bearish trend for wheat and corn markets although it could be argued that their production estimates for 2019/20 are optimistic. There is plenty of weath...

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  3325 Hits

Frontrunner - 10th May 2019

WHEAT Weather and politics send markets lower Changing weather conditions brought rain to the UK and the near continent this week. This was seen as beneficial for wheat crops and triggered a fall in French and London wheat futures, pushing them down to fresh contract lows.In recent weeks, new crop wheat prices have traded in a narrow range, support...

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  2687 Hits

8th May 2019 - Midweek market report

UK feed wheat markets remain under pressure after Friday's sharp £3.80 futures sell-off. May LIFFE hasn't traded since then and open volume sitting on the exchange is around 60,000t, which could add further pressure to old crop prices if tendered. Consumer demand is understandably quiet as markets have a decidedly bearish feel to them and, for any ...

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  2793 Hits

Frontrunner - 3rd May 2019

WHEAT Offered market as sellers exit Old crop markets have slipped lower during the week as more abundant supplies of both feed wheat and quality wheat seek demand. Buyers have taken the majority of their old crop cover now, however, the transition month of July to new crop could still prove interesting. Confidence grows that the UK balance sheet w...

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  3274 Hits

Midweek market report - 1st May 2019

Wheat markets took a distinctly bearish turn yesterday, with EU markets and London futures led lower by the US wheat market. The winter wheat tour got underway in the US Southern Plains and saw good looking wheat crops with strong yield potential. Yields are estimated to be well above last year and at three year highs. CBOT Hard Red Winter wheat fu...

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  2675 Hits

Frontrunner - 26th April 2019

WHEAT UK demand dwindling Old crop futures and physical prices continued to feel the pressure this week as buyers proved hard to find. Consumer buyers remain absent from the market and their hand-to-mouth approach seems to be working, as May LIFFE futures lost another £3 since returning from the Easter break. We have now entered the first notice pe...

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  3229 Hits

Midweek market report - 24th April 2019

While many of us enjoyed the Easter weekend weather, both winter and spring crops were looking very thirsty as the British Isles broke temperature records. However, with rain now in the forecast and the weather pattern changing both here and in much of Western Europe, wheat futures markets started the working week with a bump lower. Concerns that t...

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  2697 Hits

Frontrunner - 18th April 2019

WHEAT Rising Russian wheat crop estimates weigh on markets 2019 harvest wheat crop prospects for one of the world's most influential producers are improving according to the latest publications seen from analysts this week. Favourable autumn conditions and a kind winter coupled with uninterrupted spring drilling have seen the wheat area increase by...

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  2687 Hits

Frontrunner - 12th April 2019

WHEAT USDA publish a bearish report The USDA published their April World Supply and Demand report on Tuesday afternoon and, as expected, it held bearish data – particularly for corn. World corn production jumped six million tonnes, with increases seen for most of the major producers. Argentina, Brazil and Mexico were up, reflecting the favourable g...

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  3404 Hits

Mid-week market report - 10th April 2019

The USDA published their April World Supply and Demand report yesterday and, as expected, it held bearish data – particularly for corn. World wheat production was put marginally lower at 732.87 million tonnes but falls in consumption saw year end stocks increase by five million to 275.61 million tonnes. This is just six million tonnes down on the y...

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  2435 Hits

Frontrunner - 5th April 2019

WHEAT UK markets look to new crop A week is a long time in politics and it seems even longer in the grain trade with old crop markets fading again this week. Remaining markets are focused on sourcing final July cover; the last stop for consumers before significantly cheaper new crop supplies are available. Attention is now turning to new crop for c...

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  3117 Hits

Mid-week market report - 3rd April 2019

The UK market continues to be in a state of confusion regarding our wheat crop size, and Brexit. As we enter the final quarter of the cropping year, there is no clarity on the UK wheat crop size. Estimates vary, from DEFRA projecting an area equating to a 13.95 million tonne crop, to the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) survey suggesting a 100,000 hectar...

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  2554 Hits

Frontrunner - 29th March 2019

WHEAT UK wheat prices flatten Domestically, futures and delivered markets remain thin with a large portion of the old-crop market still to play out. Northern feed wheat premiums remain elevated to encourage the trade-flow of grains from further south but, in the main, consumers remain subdued with a 'hand-to-mouth' approach to buying. This said, lo...

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  3004 Hits

Mid-week market report - 27th March 2019

Global markets are increasingly focused on weather patterns and the size of the US fund short for fresh direction. Widespread flooding and below average temperatures in the US plains and Midwest remains a flag for growing crops, while warmer forecasted weather could compound the problem as snow-melt will add to ground moisture levels. Conversely, s...

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  2863 Hits

Frontrunner - 22nd March 2019

WHEAT Spring is the season of risk Market support has held in wheat markets since the lows of the previous week. Speculators have large bearish positions laid on in grains for crops that are still very exposed to adverse planting and growing conditions as dormancy breaks. The strength of rebound in wheat futures has been largely led by corn as mark...

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  3236 Hits

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