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The benefits of liquid fertiliser: A cost-effective and high-performing crop nutrition strategy

Are you new to liquid fertiliser or considering it as part of your crop nutrition programme? Or have you been using it for a while but would like to really make the most of the advantages that it brings?

There are many reasons to consider liquid fertiliser; it can deliver a host of benefits ranging from more precise applications and greater flexibility, to reduced use of plastics and can support you to make the most of your labour, machinery and space. 

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Managing ergot into the new season

During this year's harvest, the industry noted increasing reports of ergot appearing in cereal crops across the country. There are a few theories as to why it's increased over the last few years and why it's so prevalent this season, but it's important to bear in mind the picture can look quite different on a regional basis and there are many factors at play.

As we head into a new season, it's important to consider the potential impact of ergot, subsequent actions when it's found and any management considerations required in the field.

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Wildflowers: Bringing significant visual and habitat benefits to your farmed environment

Each year, we see a huge amount of interest in the incorporation of wildflowers on farm and we work closely with our customers to ensure the correct species and mixtures are chosen to meet their specific requirements.

If you're thinking of adding wildflowers to your farm, it's worth noting their establishment and maintenance can sometimes be challenging if not planned properly. It's therefore important to be clear about the objectives you are wanting to meet to ensure you achieve the best long-term results. In this blog, I'm covering how to choose the right mix to meet your goals, where and how best to establish the crop and what you need to consider in terms of ongoing management.

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Precision decisions: Field grain analysis

In this blog - originally published as an article in the June issue of Crop Production Magazine - SOYL technical manager, Simon Griffin and head of crop nutrition, Ed Downing, share the value of data collection and how the insights can be used to make more informed, evidence-based decisions. 

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Growing a successful oilseed rape crop

Oilseed rape (OSR) has the potential to be one of the most profitable break crops in a rotation, but it isn't without its challenges. Most notable are the difficulties in establishing, maintaining and protecting the crop from cabbage stem flea beetle (CSFB).

With the right guidance and support, OSR can deliver profitable margins for your business. But ultimately, crop success is dependent on good establishment so in this blog we're sharing some of the ways to help achieve this. 

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The importance of grain store management

This year we've continued to see an elevated amount of storage challenges across the industry, a problem faced by both farmers and professional stores alike.

Last year's harvest was a mixed affair depending on your geographical location, but most experienced a very catchy harvest with varying bulks being presented to stores.

In a lot of scenarios this meant putting product into store that covered many variables (dried, not dried, hot, cool, lower quality, ad-mix etc). For storekeepers, this once again meant that bringing the bulks down in a quick, efficient and consistent manner also put a strain on store equipment.

Looking at the crop that is destined for harvest this summer, the words 'variable quality' probably don't do the challenge facing farm and commercial stores justice. On top of this, there may be some stores which aren't fully emptied ahead of harvest.

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Closed transfer systems: Closing the loop

In this blog - originally published as an article in the April issue of Crop Production Magazine - closed transfer specialist, Nick Badger, crop production technical lead, Paul Fogg and Richard Garnett of Wisdom Systems look at how closed transfer systems came to fruition and the benefits the technology brings to operators, the environment and the wider agricultural industry. 

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Companion cropping: A valuable tool for successful oilseed rape establishment

As we look ahead to cropping plans for next season, a discussion that seems to be common across the country is whether to continue with oilseed rape (OSR) in a rotation.

Agronomically and commercially, OSR's value as a break crop has never been in question. However, the increasing challenges around establishment have led some to question its viability. 

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The power of mapping to assess nutrient management

I thought I'd take this opportunity to introduce myself to those who don't know me, I'm Richard Markham and I am a senior technical sales consultant for Frontier's precision farming business, SOYL. I have worked in the team for 19 years and support many farmers across the UK to gain a better understanding of their farms' performance, right down to what's going on in their soils.

Working with growers to better understand their baseline can aid future management decisions that deliver yield, quality and profit margins, but ultimately, measuring and monitoring soil health, nutrient status and overall field performance can support more informed decisions about how best to manage land in the most appropriate ways. This is particularly important during a time where farms are being encouraged more than ever to adopt a range of environmentally focused actions, while still maintaining sustainable food production systems. 

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Crop nutrition considerations for maize

Earlier this year, we published a blog about the benefits of growing maize in your 2024 rotation and how the crop can deliver a gross margin equal to a first wheat. We mentioned the positive market opportunities for home-grown maize and the Sustainable Farming Incentive actions that could be incorporated with the crop.

In light of the challenging weather we've faced this winter and early spring, maize could be a great alternative cropping option. Whilst maize can be a very successful crop, it will need looking after just like any cereal crop. In this blog, we'll be highlighting what you can do nutrition-wise to ensure your maize crop receives the boost it needs early on to perform well further down the line. 

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Crop nutrition check – preparing for year ahead

Following on from a previous blog about early nutrition strategies, unfortunately due to continued wet weather there has been limited opportunity to complete many field applications. For some, this has been very 'stop/start'. For others, it's been absolutely impossible to get out in the field.

Many of you will be looking for guidance on how to manage the impacts this is having on farm. Let's look at some pointers on how to keep an eye on crop nutrient health as we enter into a period of peak applications and big biomass growth.

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REMINDER: The new urea application rules for England are almost here

Many of you will be aware of the urea stewardship scheme due to come into force in England from 1st April 2024, however, for some there are still questions as to what the new regulations include.

Back in May 2023 when an early announcement was released about the rules, I outlined everything you needed to know. In this blog, I think some of that information is worthy of a recap, particularly why Defra is focused on the stewardship of urea fertilisers, as well as a reminder of what you need to do in certain scenarios to stay compliant with the regulations. 

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Learnings from sugar beet fungicide and biostimulant trials

Last year I shared some advice in this blog about managing sugar beet to optimise yield, and in it I contemplated what kind of results the autumn was going to bring given some of the widespread late planting we saw.

Now that we're well into 2024, it was great to see the majority of sugar beet crops doing well throughout the tail end of last year. However, for many crops harvest was delayed until January 2024 due to the wet autumn and frosts in early December. 

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Variable rate nitrogen trials results

As the season has been so challenging, it's great to be able to demonstrate the positive results from our variable rate nitrogen (VRN) trials which can make a difference on farm. In this blog, we'll be talking through the benefits and value of this technology, as well as how the findings from the trials can be replicated on your farm to achieve the same positive results.

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Looking back to LAMMA: The benefits of a closed transfer system

Last month, I had the privilege of talking about Frontier's closed transfer system (CTS) at LAMMA as part of the event's Live Theatre sessions. I was thrilled to be able to bring this innovative piece of technology to the show, highlighting the benefits it's already bringing many farmers and sprayer operators at a time when on-farm safety, product stewardship and sustainable farming are extremely important.

While at the event, I had great conversations with visitors about the equipment – many of whom had questions about the technology as well as the practicalities of adopting it on farm. I thought it'd be great to reflect on these discussions here and explain why the closed transfer system is proving such a valuable solution for many growers.

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The Recommended List: New wheat varieties will broaden options for 2024

Five new varieties of winter wheat have been added to the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) Recommended List for 2024. These new arrivals offer valuable alternatives for planting next autumn and bring some much-needed diversity to the feed wheat sector, breathing fresh life into the tired looking Group 1 bread-making and Group 3 biscuit markets.

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Considerations for late drilling in wet conditions

During the recent visit from Storm Babet, exceptional levels of rainfall fell in a short period and saturated a lot of land in many parts of the UK. The concern now – particularly with more rain on the way – is the interruption caused to drilling progress, with some fields already destined for spring cropping. Crops drilled more recently have also been affected by waterlogging and significant runoff, which causes ruts and the loss of seed.

If you've found you're experiencing some of these issues in the aftermath of such severe rainfall, you're probably wondering what the best course of action is. Depending on your situation, there are a few options that could still mean you're able to get a crop in the ground and off to a good start. 

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Using pre-emergence herbicides in wet conditions

The current wet conditions mean slow progress for cereal drilling, with some areas of the UK more severely affected than others. Naturally, such delays are having a subsequent impact on pre-emergence herbicide plans and timings.

The wet weather may mean you're unable to travel on fields, or that your seedbeds cannot receive a herbicide treatment. Even if you can get crops in the ground, imminent rain reduces the chance of applying pre-emergence herbicides within 48 hours of drilling - the optimum timing for grassweed control. 

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The future of oat weed control

This autumn, oat growers across the UK face new crop management considerations following the news that the pre-emergence herbicide, Liberator (flufenacet + diflufenican), can no longer be used on the crop.

The change comes after oats were newly categorised as a 'major crop' by the Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD), meaning all Extensions of Authorisation for Minor Uses (EAMUs) have now been revoked. This leaves growers with no residual herbicide options apart from Sempra XL, though this can only be used on oat crops which are being grown for seed.

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Minimise the impact of CSFB by getting oilseed rape off to the best start

Despite recent challenges, oilseed rape (OSR) remains a profitable break crop which can also aid grassweed control in your rotation. Of course, success is dependent on good establishment, which in turn relies on strong attention to detail.

Although recent weather patterns may have presented some difficulties for other combinable crops during the harvest period, there is a silver lining in that the increased soil moisture will aid seedbed preparation and drilling. 

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